DML project at Musical Timbre Workshop

cropped-T08-violin_cepstrum_spenvelopeRecent work on instrumentation recognition that was carried out as part of the DML project was presented at the Workshop on Musical Timbre, that took place on 14th November at Télécom ParisTech, in Paris, France. The talk was entitled “Instrument transcription & instrumentation recognition”.

For more information on our work in instrumentation recognition, please see our DLfM paper:

DML project at the Society for Ethnomusicology Annual Meeting

Current progress on the DML project will be presented by Stephen Cottrell at the 59th annual meeting of the Society for Ethnomusicology, taking place on 13-16 November in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The abstract for the talk can be found below:

Ethnomusicology, Music Information Retrieval and Big Data

The application of Music Information Retrieval (MIR) techniques to large recorded corpuses of music beyond the Western traditions, taken at face value, appears to run contrary to many of the principles which ethnomusicologists have long held dear. Culturally decontextualised, and with all the problems that attach to specific recordings serving as single instantiations of otherwise diverse musical traditions, the large-scale computerised analysis of such recordings risks appearing to return the discipline to its comparative musicology roots. Nevertheless, some studies have been undertaken over recent years as part of what is sometimes termed ‘computational ethnomusicology’. What is gained is the possibility not only of the kinds of technologically-enhanced analytical exactitude which computers can provide, but also of large-scale comparative analyses both within and across cultures. These offer, for example, the prospect of revisiting on a more scientific basis earlier debates about human universals in music making, in addition to the more usual traits of pitch or melody extraction, semantic categorisation and similar. Thus far, however, MIR studies have generally concentrated on individual recordings or small collections, which do not comfortably facilitate large-scale comparisons. This paper will review some of the latest work being undertaken in the MIR field in relation to global music traditions, and consider the problems and possibilities such approaches present. It will also report on the latest results from an ongoing government-funded UK research project – the Digital Music Lab – which seeks to apply MIR techniques to musical Big Data, specifically focused on music beyond the Western traditions.

Early Music paper on large-scale temperament estimation

As part of the DML project, a paper on large-scale analysis of harpsichord temperament has been authored by Dan Tidhar, Simon Dixon, Emmanouil Benetos, and Tillman Weyde. The paper is entitled “The Temperament Police“, and has been published at the special issue of Early Music (Oxford University Press) on “Early Music and Modern Technology“.

You can view the open access paper as either PDF or HTML (thanks to the City University London Open Access Block Grant for supporting this open access publication).

UPDATE: There is also a supplementary webpage accompanying the article, which is located at

DML project at BL Labs Symposium 2014

BL-labs-logoCurrent progress and future directions of the DML project will be presented by Daniel Wolff and Adam Tovell at the British Library Labs Symposium 2014, taking place on Monday 3rd November 2014, at the British Library Conference Centre. More information on the DML presentation can be found below:

Digital Music Lab – Analysing Big Music Data
Daniel Wolff, Research Fellow for the Digital Music Lab project at the Music Informatics Research Group, City University London and Adam Tovell, Curator, Digital Music, British Library
The Digital Music Lab is developing research methods and software infrastructure for exploring and analysing large-scale music collections, and to provide researchers and users with datasets and computational tools to analyse music audio, scores and metadata. The team will present some of their initial findings including some startling visualisations.

DML project at ISMIR 2014

Current work on the DML project was presented at the 15th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2014, Taipei, Taiwan):

DML project at AES ‘Cutting Edge Research’ event

The DML project was presented at the event sponsored by the Audio Engineering Society, entitled “Cutting Edge Research – from City University and King’s College London”, which took place at City University on 14th October.

The event showcased cutting edge research from City University’s Music Informatics Research group and King’s College London’s Centre for Telecommunications Research. As part of the event, Tillman Weyde gave a talk on the group’s activities (including the DML project), and Dr Dan Tidhar presented the poster entitled “Big Data for Musicology and Music Retrieval”.

Demo: Large-Scale Visualisations of Chord Sequence Patterns

Try out the visualisation at:

In the Digital Music Lab project we work on the automatic analysis of large audio databases. As a part of this process we have extracted chord sequence patterns in over a million tracks from the “I Like Music” commercial music collection. To allow for visual analysis and exploration of this new derived data by experts, we have created visualisations that expose frequent patterns and structures.

The interface that we have created mostly represents root movement and chord qualities geometrically. We use two individually configurable views in parallel to encourage the comparison between different representations of a corpus highlighting complimentary musical aspects as well as to emphasizes differences between datasets, here representing different genres. We apply and adapt existing several visualisation techniques, such as:

  • linked grid
  • linked circular grid
  • origin-destination grid
  • parallel coordinate plot
  • chord-based tonnetz

Try out the visualisation at:!

DML project at DLfM 2014

Current progress on the DML project will be presented at the 1st International Digital Libraries for Musicology workshop (DLfM 2014). DLfM will take place on 12th September at City University London. Project-related papers are listed below (click titles to download):

ASyMMuS project started!

ASyMMuS (“An Integrated Audio-Symbolic Model of Music Similarity”) is an AHRC project funded under the Amplification Awards call of the Digital Transformations in the Arts and Humanities Theme. This project aims to apply the newly developed technological infrastructure from the Digital Music Lab project, to answer the musicological question what constitutes and contributes to similarity of music. The £77k project (AH/M002454/1) is being carried out collaboratively between City University London, University College London, and Lancaster University.

For more information on the project, please visit the ASyMMuS proejct pages.